Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lookey What I Found

Love it. I briefly considered printing some of these out. Perhaps I will later when my motivation is low. Right now I'm on a weight-loss roll, so motivation is not what I'm lacking!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

One-Week Resolutions

Okay, so I suck at New Year's resolutions. I have some kind of resolution ADD. I stick with them for about, oh, a week. Or less. So I have developed a system of "one-week resolutions" or "two-week resolutions" if I'm feeling particularly ambitious.

These are easier to swallow than an entire year. And really, in weight loss, just like in training horses, sometimes you just have to change your plan. Everyone has bad days. Sometimes you have to do the best you can with what you have.

So my "One-Week Resolution" is to use this cool Calorie Counter app I have on my new Droid. I need to get back in the habit of watching what I eat now that the holidays are over. My other "One-Week Resolution" is to get my dog in the habit of going for a walk in the mornings. My diabolical plan is that if he gets used to the idea, then after my week is over he will continue to bug me every morning. He's very convincing when he wants to be.

My "Two-Week Resolution" is to work my horses more consistently. That is open for interpretation, but in my mind, though I haven't formulated the details, it means that I will work all horses equally. No more focusing on one horse and letting the other 3 sit around. I rode Footloose the other day and realized that I hadn't ridden her in about a month. She's so easy that I tend to put her on the back burner. I don't even know why- she is so much fun to ride. I just feel the need to focus on the more green horses like Stretch.

I'm hoping that after this two-week resolution is over, I will still be motivated to try another two weeks. Then another. I believe that habits are built in increments.