Saturday, April 24, 2010

The "Energy Efficient" Diet

I have to admit that the last few weeks have been crazy and I have slacked on my exercising. However, I am happy to report that I am still noticing the scale creeping slowly downward, albeit more slowly than when I hit the gym regularly. How, you might ask? I've been wondering the same thing. After pondering this phenomenon, I have come to the conclusion that while I was working out, and strictly dieting, I did in fact manage to form a few healthier habits. I have dramatically reduced the amount of crap food in my house. Well, the crap food that I like, anyway. I do not have potato chips, I do not have frozen dinners. I have a large basket full of a variety of fruits (apples, oranges, pears, bananas, plums, grapes, and kiwi, currently) and it sits out on my kitchen counter for easy access. I stock the fridge with bottles of water instead of cans of pop (yes, I call it "pop." I'm an Oregonian. Deal with it). The candy is gone, so when I am running out the door instead of grabbing a candy bar and a soda for energy, I grab an apple and a bottle of water. In the middle of the night when I am craving something sweet, my options are pretty much a.) bake a cake, b.) get in the car, drive to the store, and buy ice cream, or c.) Just eat some fruit. Gee, which one do I pick Every. Single. Time? When I am craving something salty, my options are generally to prepare some cooked food, or eat a pickle. 9 times out of 10, the pickle wins.

And the cool thing is, I don't even realize I'm dieting. Or at least I didn't, until I stepped on the scale 5lbs lighter than I was LAST time, with not a single workout under my belt since. So I was thinking I would call this "The Lazy Person's Diet." As in, if I keep only healthy food around, and I am too lazy to cook or bake or get in the car and drive to the store for ice cream, I WILL make better food choices out of necessity. It just happens.

But, as my dressage trainer is fond of saying, "I don't like the word 'lazy.' I prefer the term, 'energy efficient.'"

So, it's the "Energy Efficient" Diet.

Happy Lazy Energy Efficient Dieting!

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